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About - DDAP Logistics

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30+ Years

We have more than years of experience

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About Company

Digital & Trusted Customs Broker

We are group company of Blue Sea Cargo, we customs broker who helps businesses and individuals navigate the complex process of importing and exporting goods across international borders. At its core, the role of a customs broker is to ensure compliance with various customs regulations, tariffs, and laws that govern the movement of goods between countries. We are experts in the documentation and procedures required for customs clearance and work closely with clients to ensure that their shipments move smoothly through the customs process.

Global Service

We always provide people a complete solution focused of any import/export business.

Local Service

We have strong network for deliver your shipment into your warehouse & desire places via rail & truck transportation.


Parcel Delivered


Total Branch


Satisfied Clients


Delivered Packages

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What People and Clients Think About Us?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; finibus malesuada.

John Doe

Morbi placerat neque. Morbi venenatis. Donec dignissim dui et efficitur, luctus nunc maximus. Curabitur ornare.

jon doe

Curabitur vehicula fermentum iaculis. Praesent cursus eros finibus sem gravida, quis data tempus lectus varius.

jane salima

Ut pharetra neque sit amet urna pulvinar venenatis. Suspendisse iaculis blandit libero, condimentum dui consequat.

steve powers

Rhoncus odio, finibus molestie leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mauris massa, accumsan gravida, tempor elit.

erin chang

We work with a passion of taking challenges and creating new ones in advertising sector.

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